
Wisefab - Front Drift Angle Lock kit - Lexus SXE10

Wisefab - Front Drift Angle Lock kit - Lexus SXE10

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Wisefab Lexus SXE10 Front Drift Angle Lock kit (WFIS0)

  • 65+ degrees of steering angle, parallel steering, adjustable lock-stopper: You can tune your steering geometry either towards positive or negative Ackermann in just a few minutes even at trackside without messing up an alignment. Ackermann adjustment kit is included.
  • Steering rack has been relocated to improve Ackermann curve which resulted as more usable angle with better feel and precise handling: Relocating the steering rack will eliminate the need for rack offset spacers which means more rigid and precise handling.
  • Easily adjustable one-piece lower control arm design: Lower links are replaced with one arm. When drifting with higher steering angle the stiffness and packaging would become an issue. Therefore lower one-piece control arm is used. Our "double adjuster" allows you to easily and quickly fine tune your setup.
  • Unique „upside-down“ upper control arm design that offers more clearance for suspension components to avoid any possible interference with the chassis. It also has „double adjusters“ for convenient camber and caster adjustment.
  • Higher roll center (RC): On Wisefab knuckle add-on, joints are dropped, which brings the front RC up on lowered car, providing higher roll stiffness and improves drivability.
  • Very good camber control and minimal bump steer with high steering angle: On drift cars the dynamic camber and bump steer is much more important than static. With our kinematics we have assured that the camber would provide very good front grip and bump steer is minimal at all the range of steering.
  • Steering jacking control: During drifting, when steering angle is much bigger, jacking is also bigger, even with the same geometry and it could become a problem. We have changed the geometry so that it helps to prevent any handling issues.
  • Consistent and predictable self-alignment torque: Caster is not the only important parameter to provide sufficient self-alignment torque especially at high angle. It’s the combination of different parameters to maintain consistent trail and self-alignment torque. With our setup the steering wheel turns always to the direction of movement and doesn’t get stuck at full lock.
  • Original wheelspeed sensor (ABS sensor) can be used.

Kit includes:

  • Steering rack relocation hardware (FD legal).
  • Knuckle add-ons with hardware.
  • Lower control arms.
  • Upper control arms
  • Assembled tie rods.
  • Installation guide.

Recommended alignment parameters:

  • Toe in/out: If Ackermann is 0 or negative then toe is 2mm out. If Ackermann is positive then toe is 0.
  • Camber: -4 (+-0.5).
  • Caster: 5.4 (+-0.5).



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