
Link ECU - G5 Voodoo Neo 4

Link ECU - G5 Voodoo Neo 4

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The G5 Voodoo Neo 4 can run:

  • 4 cylinders with staged sequential injection, a single high pressure fuel pump and direct spark, or
  • a 6 cylinder as sequential only with DI* or Port, and direct spark.
Highlights for both versions ( Neo 4 and 6 ) include:
  • An all new communications module: 10x faster USB speeds (from minutes down to seconds to download log files), Ethernet, and enhanced WiFi and GPS.
  • 1GB onboard of logging memory, double that of other Link ECUs.
  • Highly customisable IO, using 2 types of multi purpose pins: Injection/Ignition/Aux pins and dual-purpose ADIO pins.
  • Dual on-board E-throttle, with H-bridges that now natively support things like modern e-wastegates or e-blow off valves
  • 1 onboard wideband
  • Configurable Analogue Temp inputs, with two different pull up resistor values (1kΩ and 10 kΩ) , allowing more types of sensors to be used
  • Analogue Temp pull-ups can be disabled now, allowing Analogue Temps to be used as regular Analogue Volt inputs.
  • K-line support.
  • CNC Case, Sealed enclosure


Huge time and flexibility gains for Installers:
  • You can now power via the USB cable, just like the Razor PDM, making setting up the initial tune a breeze at your PC.
  • More mounting options than ever before, with through holes, and threaded mount holes on the side and underneath.
  • New WEIPU CAN connector supplies power for CAN devices, massively simplifying CAN wiring and accessory installation.
  • Highly customisable IO, with multi-use pins to maximize utilisation.
  • Similar pinouts to G4X, allowing upgrades with minimal repining.


G5 Voodoo Neo Specifications

OUTPUTSG5 Voodoo Neo 4G5 Voodoo Neo 6G5 Voodoo Pro
Injecton Drives 8 12 12-16†
Ignition Drives 6 8 8-12†
Auxiliary Outputs 4-24# 2-24# 14-30#
ADIO (Aux/An Volt) pins 6 6
+5V Sensor Power Supply      

† G5 Voodoo Pro ECUs use multi-purpose (inj/ing/aux) drives, allowing some pins to be used for either Inj or Ign or Aux
# Number of Auxiliaries depends on number of unused Inj/Ign drives available

INPUTSG5 Voodoo Neo 4G5 Voodoo Neo 6G5 Voodoo Pro
Digital Inputs 6-10* 6-10* 10
Temperature Inputs 4 4 4
Analogue Inputs 3-13* 3-13* 14
Trigger Inputs 2 2 2
Knock Inputs 2 Channel 2 Channel 2 Channel

*G5 Voodoo Neo share certain Inj/Ign/Aux pins as additional Digital Inputs

*G5 Voodoo Neo ECU's introduce ADIO pins, which can be used as Aux outputs, or An Volt inputs.

COMMUNICATIONSG5 Voodoo Neo 4G5 Voodoo Neo 6G5 Voodoo Pro
CAN Bus 2 Channel 2 Channel 2 Channel
USB Tuning Connection USB-C USB-C USB-C
DATA LOGGINGG5 Voodoo Neo 4G5 Voodoo Neo 6G5 Voodoo Pro
Onboard Logging Memory 1 GB 1 GB 512 MB
Maximum Total Logging Rate 100 khz 100 khz 100 khz
Logging Channels 250 250 250
OTHER FEATURESG5 Voodoo Neo 4G5 Voodoo Neo 6G5 Voodoo Pro
E-throttle Control (Custom H-Bridge) Dual Dual Dual
Open or Closed Loop Boost Control Both Both Both
Lambda Sensor Control (Onboard Wideband) Single Single Dual
G5 Voodoo Neo Header

The G5 Voodoo Neo header with 68 pins superseal connectors (Link A and B), GPS, USB-C, Wi-Fi, Ethernet and CAN.


G5 Neo dimensions WEB


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